Metals + Organics Removal
Glanris’ Biocarbon media is an eco-friendly and low-cost alternative to existing filtration solutions.
Glanris’ Biocarbon possesses the novel dual functionality to remove both organic and metal contaminants from water and wastewater.
Typical activated carbon can remove organics but doesn’t do much for dissolved metals. And did you know that most activated carbon used today is made from coal? Yikes. Then to remove metals, many people use ion exchange resin beads, a petroleum-based microplastic — we have the same functionality as this environmentally persistent pollutant.
Download our 901x Spec Sheet to learn more →
Media Specs:
+ Effective metal removal in the presence of oils, grease and organics
+ Economical & eco-friendly replacement for ion-exchange with added benefit of organics removal
+ Drop in replacement for existing filtration tanks
+ Effective in a wide pH range
Granular: Black strand-like particles
Milled: Fine black powder
Granular: 7 - 8 lb/ft3
Milled: 26-28 lb/ft3
Granular: 20 - 325 US Mesh
Milled: 140 - 325 US Mesh
(Specialty mesh sizes upon request)
pH Range of 4 - 10
901x Biocarbon Media:
Copper - 16 mg/g @ pH5
Other metals 12-37 mg/g @ pH5
901UP Biocarbon Media:
Copper - 80 mg/g @ pH5
Other metals 67-106 mg/g @ pH5
Drinking water certified at NSF / ANSI / CAN 61 standard by IAPMO R&T.
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Lock it in.
Think of carbon sequestration like locking precious items in a safe deposit box.
How? Let’s look at the Carbon Cycle.
The Carbon Cycle is a closed loop system — meaning no carbon is ever created or destroyed. But atmospheric CO2 and greenhouse gasses (GHGs) are wrecking its delicate equilibrium. It’s no mistake we’re made with rice husks - it’s the world’s largest agricultural waste with a whopping 220+ billion pounds of it produced annually around the globe that currently are burned to rot — emitting gigatons of GHGs annually.
Glanris’ technology has the power to make a big dent on removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
We locked the carbon inside husks and made it resistant to degradation or combustion. Effectively removing this carbon from the cycle means we have eliminated its atmospheric CO2 contribution.
Glanris’ biochar could be the fastest route to meaningfully scale carbon sequestration → learn more.
Interested in removal purchase agreements ?
Glanris will be releasing more proven, reliable CORCs on Puro.Earth’s platform soon…We also offer various options from long-term contracts for asset investments or working with you to cover your own entire project.
Reach out to stay updated on CORC releases or to partner with us→
Industrial Wastewater
Good for Industry. Good for the Planet.
Looking for an economical metal removals technology?
We’ll do you one better. We’re environmentally friendly and budget friendly. Drop-in replacement for your metals removal media — at a fraction of the cost.
Also great for secondary or tertiary polishing to ensure you meet your state and federal discharge limits in a changing environment.
+ Drop in replacement - No equipment changes required
+ Does not foul in the presence of oils & grease
+ Fraction of the cost of traditional resin bead metal removals technology
+ Heavy metals removal
+ Easily process discharge water from electroplating / metal finishing
+ Works in a wide pH range
+ Fast kinetics
+ Potential zero liquid discharge
Our media works across a broad range of industries, from plating, to metal manufacturing, to general discharge, we can handle it all.
+ Appearance (Granular) - Black strand-like particles
+ Appearance (Milled) – Fine black powder
+ Weight (Granular) - 7-8 lb/ft3
+ Weight (Milled) - 26-28 lb/ft3
+ Particle Size (Granular) - 20-325 US Mesh
+ Particle Size (Milled) - 140-325 US Mesh
+ Metal Removal Range - pH Range of 4-12
+ Metal Removal Capacity - 10 mg/g
+ Certified by IAPMO R&T under standard NSF/ANSI/Can 61
+ Specialty mesh sizes upon request
+ Review full water treatment details and download our Spec Sheet here →
We saved a recent industrial customer time, labor, and money when they switched to Glanris’ Biocarbon to remove metals and oils from their discharge water.
Learn more by downloading our latest case study, our spec sheet, and more →
Construction Dewatering
Clean Up for Less.
Glanris’ 901x Biocarbon media offers affordable and effective contaminant removal for whatever your dewatering needs may be. We can remove organic and metal contaminants in high TSS water, and in the presence of oils and solvents. Perfect for handling that broad range of contaminants found on construction sites.
Our latest dewatering client needed to remove Mercury from their site → download our Construction Dewatering flyer to learn more.
Contact Sales →

Cement + Concrete
Cement or concrete producers wanting to green up your product and differentiate yourself with customers looking for sustainable alternatives?
Eco-friendly cement/concrete
Glanris has worked with several major universities on developing a formulary for substituting rice hull biocarbon for cement. One major university found that a substitution of up to 30% of the cement for our biocarbon could reduce the carbon footprint by 69%. It also increased the compression strength from 7,326 psi in the control to 13,233 psi. Because of its high silica content, our biocarbon also makes a good replacement for up to 40% of the aggregate. Our greener concrete can be used for pavers, walkways, and nonstructural pads — and it may even qualify for LEED points.
From concrete pavers to lane dividers, our biocarbon can reduce the carbon footprint, improve the strength, and lighten the weight of concrete.
Sales →

Environmental Remediation
Remediation without any negative environmental impact.
Need to remove heavy metal contaminants?
We can remove organic and heavy metal contaminants in high TSS water, and in the presence of oils and solvents. Perfect for handling that broad range of contaminants on clean up sites.
Let’s clean the planet with tools that also help remove CO2.
Learn more by speaking with a sales associate →
Specs →

Municipal Waste + Drinking Water
Treat with Glanris.
Glanris is the economical and fast-acting treatment cities need for sewage and water polishing. We can provide a drop-in replacement for existing treatment systems with the added knowledge that you’re making the green choice - without sacrificing efficiency.
+ Wastewater pre-treatment
+ Potable water applications. 901x biocarbon is ANSI/CAN/NSF 61 certified by IAPMO
+ Water polishing
+ Desalination pre-treatment
+ Secondary and tertiary polishing agent to ensure compliance
+ Does not foul in the presence of oils & grease
+ Works in a wide pH range
+ 1/10th the cost of traditional resin metal removal technology
+ Qualifies for Carbon Credits*
+ Drop-in Replacement - No equipment change required
+ Filters both metals and organics from water
+ Appearance (Granular) - Black strand-like particles
+ Appearance (Milled) – Fine black powder
+ Weight (Granular) - 7-8 lb/ft3
+ Weight (Milled) - 26-28 lb/ft3
+ Particle Size (Granular) - 20-325 US Mesh
+ Particle Size (Milled) - 140-325 US Mesh
+ Metal Removal Range - pH Range of 4-12
+ Metal Removal Capacity - 10 mg/g
+ Certified by IAPMO R&T under standard NSF/ANSI/Can 61
+ Specialty mesh sizes upon request
+ Review full water treatment details and download our Spec Sheet here.
Biochar dates back thousands of years to indigenous Amazonian people’s practice of adding carbon-rich additives like low-temperature charcoal, bones, and pottery shards to soil — adding this mixture to soil created extremely fertile and nutrient-rich soil.
Centuries of research prove that biochar:
→ Provides long-term water retention since it doesn’t break down
→ Helps soil retain nutrients
→ Removes contaminants from soil
Farmers, ranchers and forest landowners:
The USDA is offering incentive payments to implement biochar through several NRCS Conservation Programs:
Reach out today to use our GardenCarbon to increase your soil health

Point of Use
Save the Planet: Stay Hydrated.
Despite big investments in refurbishing old municipal water treatment facilities and water pipes, millions of families fear unsafe water at the tap and turn to point of use or whole home filtration.
Did you know most pitcher systems use up to 60% ion exchange resin beads to filter metals? We are looking for partners who want to green up their solutions and help clean the air while filtering their water.
+ Drinking water safe
+ Does not foul in the presence of oils & grease - great as a pre-treatment if your whole home system requires membrane filtration
+ Removes metals and organics in a single media
+ Limits need for environmentally persistent microplastic metals removal media
+ Material ethically & sustainably sourced direct from farmers
+ Removes lead and other troubling contaminants at point of use for drinking water
+ 901x Biocarbon™ is NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified by IAPMO
+ Every batch is rigorously quality tested for consistent performance.
+ Drop-in replacement for whole home water filtration systems
+ Pre-treatment to reduce fouling of membrane filtration systems
+ Drop-in replacement for media within pitcher housing
+ Potential use in refrigerator filters, HVAC, and personal air filtration