

Lock it in.

Think of carbon sequestration like locking precious items in a safe deposit box.


How? Let’s look at the Carbon Cycle.

The Carbon Cycle is a closed loop system — meaning no carbon is ever created or destroyed. But atmospheric CO2 and greenhouse gasses (GHGs) are wrecking its delicate equilibrium. It’s no mistake we’re made with rice husks - it’s the world’s largest agricultural waste with a whopping 220+ billion pounds of it produced annually around the globe that currently are burned to rot — emitting gigatons of GHGs annually.


Glanris’ technology has the power to make a big dent on removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

We locked the carbon inside husks and made it resistant to degradation or combustion. Effectively removing this carbon from the cycle means we have eliminated its atmospheric CO2 contribution.

Glanris’ biochar could be the fastest route to meaningfully scale carbon sequestration → learn more.

Interested in removal purchase agreements ?

Glanris will be releasing more proven, reliable CORCs on Puro.Earth’s platform soon…We also offer various options from long-term contracts for asset investments or working with you to cover your own entire project.

Reach out to stay updated on CORC releases or to partner with us→

carbon removal technology carbondioxide removal biochar corcs carboncredits carbon credits